
Founded by women, for women, we understand the sacred nature of your cycle. By honouring its ebb and flow, you can find true vitality and ease.

Who We Are

A peace offering for your cycle!

For too long now women have been suffering with their cycles - be it PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroids, hormonal imbalances, swollen breasts, period pain, mood swings, low libido, lack of vitality, bloated feelings, weight gain and the list goes on…

It isn’t because these are common that they are natural! We have learned to live with them and “push through” certain phases of our cycle without realising it is harming our immunity, hormones and overall health. Temple of Woman aims to normalize a culture where women’s rhythms are respected and honoured as a sacred part of their lives and evolution.

This involves diving deep into the root causes of hormonal imbalances and empowering women to fulfil their health and reproductive desires by guiding them towards a better understanding of their biology and an embodied experience of their monthly cycles.

Temple of Woman is a worldwide in-person and online community of women whose mission is to reconnect to their true nature and live to the beat of their own cyclical drum.

In a society dominated by the fast tempo, it can often feel challenging for women to embrace their cycle& feminine spirit unapologetically.

To support women in reclaiming their innate power, our workshops, events, retreats, group programs and online portal provide a safe space for sacred rituals, self-care, self-inquiry, feminine embodiment practices and in-depth cycle/ menstruation education. We aim to equip women with the knowledge, community and holistic tools to value and flow with their womanly pulse, rather than ignoring and feeling obligated to subjugate their natural cycles to systems designed by and for men.

Ready to redefine what it means to be a woman?

Our Pathway












This is an initiation into each woman’s inner temple.

Through the acceptance of the cyclical bodies, emotions and energies, women can unlock deeper self-trust, creativity, and peace. At Temple of Woman, we are building a global sisterhood where the feminine can thrive and remember the numerous gifts of being born as a woman.



When the feminine is in balance within a woman, she naturally reveres truth with tenderness, nurturing her essence with grace while maintaining healthy boundaries. She recognizes her worth, inspiring those around her to radiate their own light. She can confidently welcome all facets of her being, without suppressing the shadows or turbulent currents she may have to navigate through in any given season of her life.


The body is a sacred temple and deserves to be cherished with utmost devotion! When women are committed to nourishing themselves with attentive kindness and listening to the messages their body whispers - vitality, harmony, and beauty, can coexist throughout each phase of their cycle. It is through cultivating softness and profound self-acceptance that they find grounding in their divinity and wholeness.


Radical self-responsibility is what brings women towards recognising the force of nature they are - the fertile, creative and intuitive beings they were always meant to be. Living through the lens of their innate wisdom, women can start making more conscious choices leading them to growth and transformation. Holistic tools and education are the keys to alignment and empowered future generations of women.

“We bring back cyclical ways of living that are true for the female body, mind and spirit!”

Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Nina Taumberger

My first period came in when I was 12/13 years old. I wasn’t prepared and when I sat on the toilet looking at my bloody underwear, I was quite shocked and shaky. My mum was sweet, comforted me with a hug and guided me towards a pad without telling me more about it.

Like most girls of my age, I grew up thinking of menstruation as an annoying nuisance getting in the way of my living! I would conveniently skip a bleed with the help of the pill if I had something on. I didn’t want to deal with it! And when my bleed came, I felt ashamed.

The constant embarrassment I felt about my menstrual cycle led me to seek ways to suppress it. As a result, I opted for a copper IUD for contraception, which caused severe pain and internal scarring later on.

I didn’t know it was a responsibility as a young woman to welcome my bleed as an important rite of passage into womanhood. And to celebrate its monthly arrival as a privilege of being a woman and a powerful statement of my ability to create life. This is how we as women can empower ourselves back to balance, health, and become the fertile beings we were always meant to be.

“I teach women how to work with the power of their feminine cycling bodies rather than against it.“

I am a naturopath, and colon hydrotherapist and lead weekly Cycle Embodiment workshops at the Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali where I live.

Having worked in the field of holistic wellness for over 17 years as a qualified naturopath, yoga teacher and women's cycle coach, I am deeply honoured to use and offer holistic tools that have changed my health and cycle for the better. Temple of Woman is my manifested vision to facilitate other women’s healing journey.

Why we exist.

The lack of knowledge and embodiment we face today around women's cycles is what has resulted in the increasing number of hormonal imbalances and infertility cases. Many women have been brought up in a male-dominated world that has shamed and overlooked the biological fact that we as women are different from them. We have been taught to ignore and repress our feminine bodies in order to "fit in".

By acting like men, working the same hours, and pushing against our natural cycles, we have become disconnected from our bodies and their innate intelligence.

At Temple of Woman, we empower women to relate to their bodies in a new holistic way, so that they can re-establish trust within themselves, and heal naturally.
